Linda Rodin

Admiring Linda Rodin

Growing up, Linda Rodin admired her late mother Beatrice, who never left the house without lipstick on … even if she was in the car, driving her kids to school. Linda seemed to have taken her mother's rituals and developed them into something very amazing.

You may have seen Linda around the traps in photoshoots with The Row, Karen Walker, Coach and J.Crew. The 67-year-old fashion stylist has an unforgettable day-to-day uniform of oversized sunglasses, tousled chignon and that beautiful lipstick all adding up to a unique style, that you could only really describe as … ‘Linda Rodin’.

Pictured below is the photo shoot she did with The Row. We really admire the beautiful and elegant clothing, paired with the wonderful Linda - they're a perfect match.

Linda Rodin

Photography supplied by The Row.